Well here it is! The first vocal production from A.B.C. This is the second version of this track by A.B.C. ( Also known as Amy, Ben, + Claire Thomas ). The first version, recorded some 2 years ago, used significantly lower Sample- Rates, as well as a simpler arrangement. When I bought my new 1200, I soon realised that I could remix the song with much improved vocals, and backing. The Trade-Off for this is that you will need at least 2 Meg of Chip RAM to play it. That is the price of Quality! I hope you think the results are worth it! If you wish to contact me, use this number.- 0373 465650, or write to me at.-3, Willow View, The Copse Frome, Somerset, BA11 2TE. Find-The-Time-(94)" By A.B.C. Clo